So I'm buying a plane ticket (to go to Chicago). I end up at
American Airline's web site, filling out the usual, no so funny forms with my name address, credit card, etc.
Now all these sites all ask for pretty much the same inputs. First name, last name, address line 1, address line 2, city, state (a drop down box), zip, phone number ... yeah. Some sites ask for a prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.) and a few will even allow for a suffix (Jr., Sr., III).
American wants to offer you more choices, though. Many more. They offer no fewer than 76 prefixes:
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., A.V.M., Adm., Amb, Archbishop, Baron, Baroness, Bishop, Brig. Gen., Brigadier, Bro., Cantor, Capt., Cardinal, Chaplain, Cmdr., Col., Consul, Count, Countess, Cpl., CPO, CWO, Dean, Duchess, Duke, Earl, Ens., Eur Eng, Father, Fr., Gen., Gov., H. E., Herr, Hon., HRH, Lady, Lord, Lt., Lt. Cmdr., Lt. Col., Lt. Gen., M., Maj., Maj. Gen., Master, Mlle., Mme., Mother, Pastor, PFC, Pres., Prince, Princess, Prof., Rabbi, Radm., Rev., Rt. Hon., Senator, Sgt., Sgt. Maj., Sir, Sister, Speaker, Squad.Ldr., Sr., Sra., Srta., Swami, Vadm.
and 45 suffixes:
Jr., Sr., II, III, M.D., Ph.D., (Ret.), C.P.A., D.D.S., DC, DD, DDSPA, DMD, DO, DPM, DR, DVM, ESP, Esq., Filho, I, INC, ITF, IV, IX, MDPA, MFCC, MS, ND, Neto, O.D.P.C., O.F.M., OBS, OD, P.A., PC, PRS, Q.C., R.N., Sobrinho, THD, V, VI, VMD, VP
I wonder if there is someone at American whose job it is to keep these lists updated? Maybe I'll send in my resume. Be on the lookout for Consul Eric, Sobrinho.